The aim of this workshop is to bring together leading international experts and young researchers on topics such as
confinement mechanism and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking
hadron spectrum and dynamics of light quark bound states
QCD phase structure and experimentally accessible observables
to present and discuss recent developments and fundamental issues.
The workshop focuses on theoretical aspects with methods ranging from Dyson-Schwinger equations and renormalisation group equations
to lattice-QCD as well as effective field theory approaches. Furthermore we discuss results of recent and prospects of future experiments.
The number of participants is limited to about 50-60. Ample time is forseen for discussions. A presentation of posters will be possible.
Confirmed speakers so far:
Binosi, Daniele ( ECT*, Trento, Italy )
Eichmann, Gernot ( University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Greensite, Jeff ( University of San Francisco, USA )
Huber, Markus ( University of Graz, Austria )
Lombardo, Maria ( INFN, Frascati, Italy )
Mitter, Mario ( University of Graz/BNL, USA )
Mendes, Tereza ( Sao Paulo University, Brazil)
Nahrgang, Marlene ( SUBATECH, Nantes, France )
Reinhardt, Hugo ( University of Tübingen )
Roberts, Craig ( ANL, USA )
Serreau, Julian ( University of Paris, France )
Sorella, Silvio ( State Uni. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil )
Sternbeck, Andre ( University of Jena )
Szczepaniak, Adam ( Indiana University, USA )
Cristina Aguilar (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Christian S. Fischer (Giessen, Germany)
Joannis Papavassiliou (Valencia, Spain)
Jan Pawlowski (Heidelberg, Germany)