Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
University of HeidelbergFaculty of Physics and AstronomyInstitut of Theoretical PhysicsAndreas MielkeAndreas Mielkeemail

Andreas Mielke
Institut for Theoretical Physics
Ruprecht-Karls University
Philosophenweg 19
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: ++49 6221 549431 (Secretary)
Fax: ++49 6221 549331

Andreas Mielke: Calculating superconducting transition temperatures in a renormalized Hamiltonian framework
Europhys. Lett.40, 195-200 (1997) .

Archiv: cond-mat/9709175


It is shown that one can obtain quantitatively accurate values for the superconducting critical temperature within a Hamiltonian framework. This is possible if one uses a renormalized Hamiltonian that contains an attractive electron--electron interaction and renormalized single particle energies. It can be obtained by similarity renormalization or using flow equations for Hamiltonians. We calculate the critical temperature as a function of the coupling using the standard BCS-theory. For small coupling we rederive the McMillan formula for $T_c$. We compare our results with Eliashberg theory and with experimental data from various materials. The theoretical results agree with the experimental data within 10%. Renormalization theory of Hamiltonians provides a promising way to investigate electron--phonon interactions in strongly correlated systems.


author="Andreas Mielke",
title="Calculating superconducting transition temperatures in a renormalized Hamiltonian framework",
journal="Europhys. Lett.",

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