Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
University of HeidelbergFaculty of Physics and AstronomyInstitut of Theoretical PhysicsAndreas MielkeAndreas Mielkeemail

Andreas Mielke
Institut for Theoretical Physics
Ruprecht-Karls University
Philosophenweg 19
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: ++49 6221 549431 (Secretary)
Fax: ++49 6221 549331

Andreas Mielke: Properties of Hubbard models with degenerate localised single particle eigenstates
Eur. Phys. J. B85, (2012) .

Archiv: arXiv:1202.3158


We consider the repulsive Hubbard model on a class of lattices or graphs for which there is a large degeneracy of the single particle ground states and where the projector onto the space of single particle ground states is highly reducible. This means that one can find a basis in the space of the single particle ground states such that the support of each single particle ground state belongs to some small cluster and these clusters do not overlap. We show how such lattices can be constructed in arbitrary dimensions. We construct all multi-particle ground states of these models for electron numbers not larger than the number of localised single particle eigenstates. We derive some of the ground state properties, esp. the residual entropy, i.e. the finite entropy density at zero temperature.


author="Andreas Mielke",
title="Properties of Hubbard models with degenerate localised single particle eigenstates",
journal="Eur. Phys. J. B",

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