Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
University of HeidelbergFaculty of Physics and AstronomyInstitut of Theoretical PhysicsAndreas MielkeAndreas Mielkeemail

Andreas Mielke
Institut for Theoretical Physics
Ruprecht-Karls University
Philosophenweg 19
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: ++49 6221 549431 (Secretary)
Fax: ++49 6221 549331

Tobias Stauber, Andreas Mielke: Equilibrium Correlation Functions of the Spin-Boson Model with Sub-Ohmic Bath
Phys. Lett. A64, 275-280 (2002) .

Archiv: cond-mat/0207414


The spin-boson model is studied by means of flow equations for Hamiltonians. Our truncation scheme includes all coupling terms which are linear in the bosonic operators. Starting with the canonical generator eta_c=[H_0,H] with H_0 resembling the non-interacting bosonic bath, the flow equations exhibit a universal attractor for the Hamiltonian flow. This allows to calculate equilibrium correlation functions for super-Ohmic, Ohmic and sub-Ohmic baths within a uniform framework including finite bias. Results for sub-Ohmic baths might be relevant for the assessment of dissipation due to 1/f-related noise, recently found in solid-state qubits.


author="Tobias Stauber, Andreas Mielke",
title="Equilibrium Correlation Functions of the Spin-Boson Model with Sub-Ohmic Bath",
journal="Phys. Lett. A",

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