Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg


Finally, here is the new source code for the HEPTopTagger2, a top tagger for Standard Model processes or new physics searches at intermediate transverse momenta. The reference for the first analysis with the (then unnamed) HEPTopTagger as well as for the v1 and v2 release papers with extensive documentation you can find below.

Torben and Tilman, for all authors

HEPTopTagger news:
1/11/16 v2.0 public
5/24/11 v1.0 public
9/13/10 page public, code still only by request
8/18/10 first version posted
HEPTopTagger references:
HEPTopTagger2 release: resonances
study with ATLAS/CMS members
single tops
stop searches at 8 TeV
possible improvements
HEPTopTagger1 release: stop pairs
first analysis: ttH
Further reading:
top tagging review
boosted leptonic tops
Higgs and QCD lecture notes

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