Higgs Couplings 2017: Program

Higgs Couplings 2017 begins on the morning on Monday, November 6th, and ends in the early afternoon on Friday, November 10th. As this conference has a focus on scientific exchange and discussions, we ask all participants to attend the full conference. While we are looking forward to excellent talks, we hope that the speakers also contribute to the discussions.

The Wednesday afternoon session is reserved for junior speakers and will not be filled by invitation. If you are interested in giving a talk there, please contact the organizers directly and indicate it in your registration.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00 - 12:30 Registration Theory - Basic Questions Theory - Precision Pheno Experiment - Cool Channels Theory - BSM Top-Down
14:00 - 18:45 Experiment - Key Channels Experiment - New Physics Open Session (junior) Theory - BSM Bottom-Up, Seminar Gerard 't Hooft Experiment - Future
19:30 - 23:00 Drinks in Town Conference Dinner Drinks in Town Drinks in Town