Quantum Field Dynamics – Prof. J. Berges


  • Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:15-13:00, Philosophenweg 19 / SR (starts April 19)


    Students with very good knowledge in quantum mechanics and statistical physics should be able to follow the course. Basic knowledge in quantum field theory is very helpful.


  1. Basics of quantum-statistical mechanics
  2. Path integral for thermal equilibrium
  3. Free scalar fields and evaluation of thermal sums
  4. Interacting scalar fields and effective actions
  5. Ultraviolet divergences and renormalization, infrared divergences and resummation
  6. Nonzero density and Bose-Einstein condensation
  7. Fermions
  8. Gauge fields
  9. Phase transitions and critical phenomena
  10. Nonequilibrium quantum field theory (nonequilibrium path integral, initial conditions, nonequilibrium evolution equations)
  11. Thermalization
  12. Nonequilibrium instabilities
  13. Nonthermal fixed points and dynamics of Bose condensation
  14. Lattice gauge theory dynamics


Blackboard notes:



  • Wednesday, 11:15-13:00, Philosophenweg 16 / SR


  • Monday, 11:15-13:00, Philosophenweg 12 / R 107a