Starting from the circle IV

The center of the straight line moves in all five cases parallel to itself and creates the red envelope.
Bild1 The cyan end of the straight line moves along the magenta circle. (The length of the line is 1.6 times the radius of the circle). The green end yields the outer (black) curve.
Bild2 The cyan and the green end of the chord move along the outer (black) curve.
white Bild3 The cyan end of the straight line moves along the magenta circle. (The length of the line is 1.6 times the radius of the circle). The green end yields the inner (black) curve
white Bild4 The cyan and the green end of the chord move along the inner (black) curve.
Bild5 The cyan and the green end of the straight line move along the inner (blue) and the outer (black) curve.
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