Manfred Salmhofer: Teaching
This page lists mainly lectures. For complete information including all seminars, see the
LSF entry.
Spring Term, 2022Fall Term, 2021Theoretical Statistical Physics Spring Term, 2021Spring Term, 2020Fall Term, 2019Spring Term, 2019Mathematical Structures in QFT and Statistical Mechanics Fall Term, 2018on sabbaticalSpring Term, 2018
Marsilius-Brückenseminar: Platons Timaios als Grundtext von Physik und Metaphysik - ein Dialog von Philosophie und moderner Naturwissenschaft
Fall Term, 2017seminars only (structuris causa)Spring Term, 2017Fall Term, 2016Theoretical Statistical Physics Spring Term, 2016Fall Term, 2015Spring Term, 2015Constructive Fermionic Field Theory Fall Term, 2014Methoden der mathematischen Physik 2 Spring Term, 2014Theoretische Physik 4 (Quantentheorie) Methoden der mathematischen Physik 1 Fall Term, 2013Statistical Mechanics, Analysis, and Probability In the academic year 2012/13, I was on sabbatical. Fall Term, 2011Was ist Zeit: die physikalische Sicht Spring Term, 2011Fall Term, 2010Spring Term, 2010Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems Fall Term, 2009Classical and Quantum Computing Spring Term, 2009Fall Term, 2008Theory of Complex Systems Seminar HMS Mathematical Physics (joint with Volker Bach) Past Semesters of the Mathematical Physics Seminar Courses 2001-2008 at University of Leipzig
last updated: last time M. Salmhofer |