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The ITP mourns for Heinz Jürgen RotheHeinz Rothe did research and taught at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Heidelberg University from 1966 until his retirement in 2004, from 1980 as professor. He worked very successfully in the field of theoretical elementary particle physics, especially in the area of quantum field theory and is one of the founders of lattice gauge theory. His research contributions contributed significantly to the reputation of the Institute of Theoretical Physics as a successful center of scientific research and teaching. Heinz Rothe was not only an outstanding and imaginative scientist, but also an always kind and helpful person.
His colleagues and numerous students will remember him forever with gratitude and honor.
- Symmetry Magazine: Seeing the full picture with line-intensity mapping (C. Heneka)
- Feature in Physics: How a Virus Rolls Itself Across a Cell Surface (F. Ziebert and I. M. Kulić)
Press Releases
- Luring the Virus Into a Trap (U. Schwarz)
- Malaria Parasites form Vortices (U. Schwarz)
- Physiker Christof Wetterich ausgezeichnet
- Motor And Energy Store In One
- Zweite Förderphase für Heidelberger Graduiertenkolleg in der Teilchenphysik
- Using Light to Reach Higher Precision in Cell Mechanic Research
- Experimental characterization of a quantum many-body system via higher-order correlations
- Prof. em. Franz Wegner is the recipient of the 2015 Lars Onsager Prize
- Electrical Transmission at the Atomic Level
- ERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Dr. Christof Wetterich
- International Consortium for Standardisation of Cell-based Screens