Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg


The ITP mourns for Prof. Dr. Iring Bender

who passed away on December 15, 2024 at the age of 88.

Iring Bender conducted research and taught at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Heidelberg University from 1961 until his retirement in 2001. He worked with great success in the field of theoretical elementary particle physics and displayed extraordinary dedication to his students in teaching. In particular, he was a highly active and popular examiner in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Iring Bender regarded teaching as one of the primary duties of a university professor as few others and consistently delivered outstanding lectures, that were highly appreciated by his students.

Iring Bender was not only an exceptional scientist and academic teacher but also a kind-hearted, modest, and helpful person who was deeply beloved throughout the university. We will forever honour and cherish his memory with gratitude and respect.


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