Cosmological large-scale structurecoordinates: SR Phil 19, Monday 11:15-13:00 Winter Semester 2024The course covers advanced aspects of cosmological large scale structure, with emphasis on non-linear structure. The course begins on Nov. 4th and continues for 8 lectures. Suggested prerequisites: Cosmology.Program - Cosmological perturbations: GR and Newtonian approach - Growth of perturbations - Bias, redshift distortions, Alcock-Paczynski effect - Non-linear perturbations - Spectrum and bispectrum - Correlation of standard candles - Relativistic corrections - Forecasts for large-scale surveys NOTE: Course begins on November 4th, 2024, 11:15 am Calendar (Monday 11:15-13:00): 04.11 11.11 18.11 25.11 02.12 NO LECTURE 09.12 16.12 13.01 20.01 CREDITS: 2