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Non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories
Lectures: Monday & Wednesday 11:15-13:00, kHS Pw 12 [HeiCO]
Prerequisites: Theoretical Physics I-IV, QFT, basic knowledge of renormalisation & gravity
Content of lecture series
The lecture course provides an introduction to the strongly-correlated
physics of QCD and Quantum Gravity. The related physics problems are
treated within the Functional Renormalisation Group (FRG), and a
survey of alternative approaches is provided.
- The Functional RG
- Euclidean QFT
- Functional Renormalisation Group
- Critical Phenomena & Fixed Points
- Introduction
- Non-Abelian gauge theories & confinement
- Chiral symmetry breaking in QCD
- QCD at finite T
- A glimpse at the QCD phase diagram
- Quantum Gravity
- Introduction
- RG approach to quantum gravity
- Gravity and matter
- Cosmological applications*
- Comprehensive review on the fRG
- Introductory reviews on the fRG
- Reviews on the fRG approach in gauge theories, QCD & gravity
- Reviews on DSEs in QCD
- Textbooks on the renormalisation group and critical phenomena
- Quantum field theory, basics
- Quantum field theory, applications
Kugo Eichtheorie Springer, 1997 Miransky Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Field Theories World Scientific, 1993 Muta Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics World Scientific, 1987 Pokorski Gauge Field Theories Cambridge, 1987 Wu-Ki Tung Group Theory in Physics World Scientific, 1985 Zinn-Justin Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena Oxford, 1993
- General relativity
Carroll Spacetime and Geometry Addison Wesley Göckeler & Schücker Differential Geometry, gauge theories, and gravity Cambridge University Press Misner, Torne, Wheeler Graviation Freeman
- Outline
Dupuis, Canet, Eichhorn, Metzner, Pawlowski, Tissier, Wschebor | The nonperturbative functional renormalization group and its applications | Phys.Rept. 910 (2021) 1-114 |
Aoki | Introduction to the Non-perturbative RG | Int.J.Mod.Phys.B14:1249-1326,2000 | |
Berges, Tetradis, Wetterich | Non-Perturbative Renormalization Flow in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Physics | Phys.Rept.363:223-386,2002 | |
Polonyi | Lectures on the functional renormalization group method | Central Eur.J.Phys.1:1-71,2003 | |
Delamotte | An Introduction to the Nonperturbative Renormalization Group | Condensed Matter Phys. 8 (2005) 163-179 |
Pawlowski | Aspects of the FRG | Annals Phys.322:2831-2915,2007 | |
Gies | Introduction to the FRG and applications to gauge theories | Lect.Notes Phys. 852 (2012) 287-348 | |
Braun | Fermion Interactions and Universal Behavior in Strongly Interacting Theories | J.Phys. G39 (2012) 033001 | |
Reuter, Saueressig | Quantum Einstein Gravity | New J.Phys. 14 (2012) 055022 | |
Litim | Renormalisation group and the Planck scale | Phil.Trans.Roy.Soc.Lond. A369 (2011) 2759-2778 | |
Eichhorn | Status of the asymptotic safety paradigm for quantum gravity and matter | Class.Quant.Grav. 35 (2018) no.4, 044001 | |
Niedermaier, Reuter | The Asymptotic Safety Scenario in Quantum Gravity | Living review | |
Reichert | Functional Renormalisation Group and Asymptotically Safe Quantum Gravity | 15th Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics | |
Bonanno, Eichhorn, Gies, Pawlowski, Percacci, Reuter, Saueressi, Vacca | Critical reflections on asymptotically safe gravity | Phys. 8 (2020) 269 | |
Pawlowski, Reichert | Quantum gravity: a fluctuating point of view | Phys. 8 (2021) 527 | |
Pawlowski, Reichert | Quantum Gravity from dynamical metric fluctuations | |
Alkofer, von Smekal | The Infrared Behavior of QCD Green's Functions | Phys.Rept.353:281,2001 | |
Fischer | Infrared Properties of QCD from Dyson-Schwinger equations | J.Phys.G32:R253-R291,2006 | |
Fischer | QCD at finite temperature and chemical potential from Dyson-Schwinger equations | Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 105 (2019) 1-60 |
Literature, basics
Amit | Field Theory, the Renormalization Group, and Critical Phenomena | World Scientific | |
Binney, Dowrick, Fisher, Newman | The Theory of Critical Phenomena, an Introduction to the Renormalization Group | Clarendon Press, Oxford | |
Cardy | Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics | Cambridge University Press | |
Collins | Renormalization | Springer | |
Parisi | Statistical Field Theory | Addison-Wesley | |
Zinn-Justin | Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena | Claredon Press, Oxford |
Haag | Local Quantum Physics | Springer, 1996 | |
Itzykson, Zuber | Quantum Field Theory | McGraw-Hill | |
Peskin, Schroeder | An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory | Addison Wesley | |
Siegel | Fields | hep-th/9912205 | |
Weinberg | The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1-2 | Cambridge University Press |