
TransRegio "Dark Universe"
ITP Heidelberg


Prof. Christof Wetterich
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Heidelberg
Tel.: +49-6221-549-340


Lecture WS 21/22 Foundation of quantum mechanics

This lecture shows how the laws of quantum mechanics follow from the basic law for expectation values in classical statistics. The description of our world is probabilistic, but needs no concepts beyond the standard rules for probabilities. The “mysteries” of quantum mechanics find their explanation in the correlations of classical statistical systems. We describe explicitly simple classical statistical systems in terms of wave functions and non-commuting operators for observables. They can obey a unitary time evolution and realise entanglement.

Online lecture


Overview foundations of quantum mechanics (WS21/22)

Lecture homepage

Online Lecture Quantum Field Theory

( with Stefan Flörchinger) (WS 20/21)

Quantum Field theory: separate lectures with videos

Script with videos

Lecture WS 19/20

Quantum mechanics with classical bits (WS19/20)

Lecture SS 18, WS 18/19

Quantum Field Theory (SS18, WS18/19)

Lecture WS 17/18

Functional Renormalization (WS17/18)

Lecture SS 17

Quantum Mechanics from Classical Statistics (SS17)

Vorlesung SS16

Vorlesung Theoretische Quantenmechanik (SS16)

Seminar SS14

Seminar Theoretical Statistical Physics (SS14)

Lecture WS 13/14

Skript Theoretical Statistical Physics (WS13/14)
Theoretical Statistical Physics (WS13/14)

Lecture WS 11/12

Functional Renormalization (WS11/12)

Lecture WS 10/11

Theoretical Statistical Physics (WS10/11)
Seminar : Kosmologie und Teilchenphysik

Vorlesung SS 09

Quantenmechanik (SS09 )

Lecture WS/08/09

Particle Physics and Cosmology (WS08/09 )

Fruehere Vorlesungen:

Statistische Physik ( Theorie IV ) 07
Quantum Field Theory05/06
Quantenmechanik (Theorie III )WS04/05
Klassische Mechanik(WS02/03)
Kosmologie ( SS 02,SS03 )
Statistische Physik und Thermodynamik (SS 01 )