Uni Heidelberg: Theoretische Physik: L. Amendola  

Prof. Dr. Luca Amendola

Institut für Theoretische Physik -- Universität Heidelberg

Philosophenweg 16 (room 26) -- D-69120 Heidelberg -- Germany

Tel: +49-6221-549-407 -- Fax: +49-6221-549-333

Sprechstunde: After my lectures
and by appointment Tuesday 11.00 - 12.00 a.m. (please always contact me for an appointment, other times are also possible)

l.amendola at thphys.uni-heidelberg.de

Cosmology group Web site



  Seminars of the Cosmology Group

  Selected topics in theory and observations of Dark Energy


SS 2024

  General Relativity

  Introduction to Mathematica

WS 2023/24

  Theoretical Statistical Physics

SS 2023

  Advanced Cosmology

  Introduction to Mathematica

  Testing Fundamental Physics with Cosmology (block course, July 17th)

WS 2022


SS 2022

  Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

  Advanced Cosmology

WS 2021/22


SS 2021

  General Relativity

WS 2020/21


WS 2019/20

  Theoretical Statistical Physics

SS 2019

  Seminars on topics of cosmology and large-scale structure

  Block course: Testing Fundamental Physics with Cosmology, 3 and 10 July, 2019

WS 2018/19


SS 2018

  General Relativity

  Testing fundamental physics with Cosmology VI (one-day block course 17.07.18)

WS 2017

  Theoretische Physik 1

  Testing fundamental physics with Cosmology V (preliminary program) (one-day block course, 5th February 2018)

SS 2017

  Advanced Cosmology

  Computational Statistics

  Testing fundamental physics with Cosmology IV (one-day block course, new date 26.07.17 Room 105, Philosophenweg 12)

WS 2016/17

  Bayesian Statistical Methods in Physics and Astrophysics

  Testing fundamental physics with Cosmology III

  Student's seminars for the course of Cosmology

SS 2016

  General Relativity

  Testing fundamental physics with Cosmology, II

WS 2015/16

  Observing the Big Bang

  Testing fundamental physics with Cosmology, I

WS 2014/15

  Theoretical Statistical Physics

SS 2014

  Advanced Cosmology

WS 2013/14

  Models of Dark Energy

SS 2013

  General Relativity

  Computational Statistics

WS 2012/13

  Observing the Big Bang

   Bayesian Statistical Methods in Physics and Astrophysics

SS 2012

  General Relativity

WS 2011/12

  Observing the Big Bang

  Statistical Methods in Astrophysics and Cosmology

SS 2011

   Advanced Cosmology
  Cosmology Seminars

WS 2010/11


SS 2010

  Advanced Cosmology






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