Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg

Kondensierte Materie und Komplexe Quantem Systeme - Themen

The following is a selective list of themes, not meant as a full coverage of our research activities in this field, but to highlight for the non-expert reader a few important notions or topics and to provide corresponding entry points for the research groups list, to which you could go directly by clicking here.
Fundamental Physics does not only aim at finding new laws and new constituents of matter at the smallest scales, but, equally importantly, at understanding how microscopic interactions, short- and long-time dynamics and external influences lead to collective phenomena, emergent laws, and new structures at large scales. This theme is at the heart of condensed-matter physics, and our work contributes to it.

Ultracold quantum gases

Ultracold quantum gases can be seen as an interesting model systems for many features of high energy physics and condensed matter theory. It is now possible to realize and investigate in table-top experiments many phenomena such as superfluidity for bosons and fermions, different dimensions of space, large interaction strength, lattice models or non-equilibrium physics. The interplay between experimental and theoretical research helps to solve the difficult complexity problem in modern theoretical physics.


Quantum Transport in Condensed Matter

In the last few years, electronic devices have been made so small that their properties are influenced by quantum effects. Aspects considered at ITP are the interplay of interference and electron correlations in nanostructures, or transport in substances like graphene or topological insulators. Potential applications are in nanoelectronics and spintronics.


Mathematical Physics

We work on the connections of statistical mechanics to quantum field theory, on the mathematical and physical aspects of renormalization group (RG) theory and on its applications to condensed matter physics, and on quantum kinetic theory. Our methods range from mathematical proofs to computational solution of large differential equations.


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