Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg

Teilchentee WS 2012/13

Seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University
on Thursdays, 4 p.m.
organizers: Christof Wetterich and Georg Wolschin

18.10.2012 David Lopez-Val Heavy particles at the LHC: models, tools and NLO predictions
25.10.2012 Aleksi Kurkela Thermalization in heavy-ion collisions at very high energies
8.11.2012 Edward Kolb Dark Matter Universe
15.11.2012 Christof Wetterich The mass of the Higgs boson, the great desert, and asymptotic safety of gravity
22.11.2012 Konrad SchadeApplications of Holography to Strongly Coupled Plasmas
29.11.2012 Andreas Weiler Theoretical implications of pp LHC results
6.12.2012 Yacine Mehtar-TaniColor decoherence of jets in opaque media
13.12.2012 Bruce MelladoLHC Higgs searches
20.12.2012 Weihnachtsfeier
10.1.2012 Daniel LitimPulling oneself over the fence: a bootstrap for quantum gravity
17.1.2012 Joachim Kopp JOINT SEMINAR WITH MPIK
24.1.2012 Jan Plefka Towards exact results in maximally supersymmetric 4d gauge theory
31.1.2012 Jean-Yves Ollitrault Observing a small fluid and its fluctuations at the LHC (cancelled on short notice)
7.2.2012 Boris NowakNon-thermal fixed points in ultracold quantum gases
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