Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg
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Teilchentee WS 2017

Seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University
on Thursdays, 4 p.m.
organizers: L. Amendola, S. Flörchinger

24.10.2016 (Monday, at Max-Planck Institute) Martin Bauer (Heidelberg) On the Origin of Flavor
03.11.2016 Roman Gold (Perimeter) Astrophysical probes of strong field General Relativity
10.11.2016 Tomi Koivisto (Stockholm) Gauge gravity
17.11.2016 Carlos Tamarit (Durham) Unifying inflation with the axion, dark matter, baryogenesis and the seesaw mechanism
24.11.2016 Diederik Roest (Groningen) Inflationary attractors after Planck 2015
01.12.2016 Mikko Laine (Bern) On the quantum statistical physics of dark matter freeze-out
08.12.2016 Daniel Grumiller (Vienna) Soft Heisenberg hair
15.12.2016 Johannes Henn (Mainz) Four-gluon scattering at three loops
12.01.2017 Achim Schwenk (Darmstadt) Chiral effective field theory for dark matter direct detection [CANCELED]
12.01.2017 Eran Palti (Heidelberg) Super-Planckian Field Variations and Quantum Gravity [REPLACEMENT]
19.01.2017 Tracy Slatyer (MIT) Dark Matter and Light Forces: Precisely Predicting Indirect Signals
26.01.2017 Stefano Liberati (Trieste) From Analogue to Emergent gravity: lessons and pitfalls
02.02.2017 Michele Maggiore (Geneva) Conceptual aspects of nonlocal gravity
09.02.2017 Moritz Platscher (MPI Heidelberg) Cosmological Aspects of Bimetric Gravity
16.02.2017 Raphael Flauger (San Diego) From the CMB to the Very Early Universe
02.03.2017 Hans-Thomas Elze (Pisa) The quantumness of classical cellular automata and some indications of "prequantum" states
16.03.2017 Fabrizio Rompineve (Heidelberg) Gravitational Waves from Dynamical Phase Decomposition
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