String Theory and String Phenomenology (WS 12/13)

Lecturer: A. Hebecker , Time and Location: Wed 9-11, Fri 9-11, Philosophenweg 19, Seminar Room

with Tutorials (Wed 14-16, Philosophenweg 12, "neuer HS"), Tutor: Sebastian Kraus


Klausur / Examination:

Friday, 15 February, 10:15 - 12:15 Uhr (Phil.weg 12, großer Hörsaal)


1 - Introduction/motivation + 2 - Classical bosonic string

3 - (Covariant) canonical quantization

4 - (Covariant) canonical quantization - continued

5 - Light-cone quantization

6 - Modern covariant quantization - path integral

7 - Modern covariant quantization - BRST

8 - CFT - I

9 - CFT - II

10 - Scattering amplitudes

11 - World sheet supersymmetry

12 - Quantization of the superstring

13 - Consistent superstring theories

14 - String phenomenology


M.B. Green, J.H. Schwarz, E. Witten: Superstring Theory I and II, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987 ("Klassiker")

J. Polchinski: String Theory I and II, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998

Blumenhagen / Luest / Theisen: Basic Concepts of String theory, 2012

D. Luest, S. Theisen: Lectures on String Theory, Springer, 1989

B. Zwiebach: A First Course in String Theory, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004

P. West: Introduction to Strings and Branes

M. Dine: SUSY and Strings

M. Kaku: Introduction to Superstrings and M-Theory, Springer, 1999

D. Bailin and A. Love, Supersymmetric Gauge Field Theory and String Theory, IOP Publishing, 1994

Blumenhagen / Plauschinn: Introduction to Conformal Field Theory, 2009

Di Francesco / Mathieu / Senechal: Conformal Field Theory, 1997

P. Ginsparg: Applied Conformal Field Theory

D. Tong: Lectures on String Theory

C.V. Johnson: D-brane primer

T. Mohaupt: Introduction to String Theory

E. Kiritsis: Introduction to Superstring Theory

Vorlesungsskript of T. Weigand (Heidelberg)

Vorlesungsskript of C. Ewerz (Heidelberg)

Notes of a previous, similar course:

1 - Introduction

2 - The Classical Bosonic String

3 - Old Covariant Quantization

4 - Light Cone Quantization

5 - Modern Covariant Quantization

6 - Conformal Field Theory

7 - String Amplitudes   extra: ps version

8 - World Sheet Supersymmetry

9 - Quantization of the Superstring

10 - Consistent Superstring Theories I (type IIA, IIB and I)

11 - Consistent Superstring Theories II (heterotic)

12 - Low-Energy Effective Field Theories

13 - Calabi-Yau Compactifications

14 - Filling Some Gaps and Final Remarks (vertex operators, Veneziano amplitude, beta-functions, M theory)